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Grants and Awards

Bold: Lab Member; Underline: Current/Former Graduate Student; Underline*: Current/Former Undergraduate Student

Grants and Awards


The Changemaker Catalyst Award ($2,000), Tulane University (January, 2023). Awarded to Tyler Walden-Lee for his research on Social Ecology and Dehumanization.

Grant-In-Aid Award ($1,000), SPSSI (August, 2023). Awarded to Tyler Waldon-Lee for his research on Social Ecology and Dehumanization.


Newcomb-Tulane College Dean’s Grant, Tulane University (January, 2022). Awarded to Joie Meyer*  to travel to a conference and present her project: Sexual Harassment: Are claims involving lesbian women perceived differently than claims made by heterosexual women?


Increasing Open Inquiry on College Campuses Research Grant ($30,000), Heterodox Academy (August, 2021). Awarded to Dr. Laurie O’Brien for her project with Danica Kulibert* called: Self-Censorship of Political Opinion on College Campuses: Testing an Intervention to Change Campus Norms

Tulane CELT Summer Award for Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research, Tulane University (March, 2021). Awarded to Joie Meyer* for her project with Danica Kulibert called: Does Perspective-Taking Impact Metaperceptions and Intergroup Anxiety?


Tulane Psychology Graduate Outstanding Mentorship Award, Tulane University (May, 2020). Awarded to Danica Kulibert, A.B.D.*

Tulane Center for Academic Equity Summer Grant ($3500), Tulane University (May, 2020). Awarded to Victoria Conway*.


Jenessa Shapiro Graduate Research Award ($1000), Society for Personality and Social Psychology (July, 2019). Awarded to Danica Kulibert, M.S.*

Mortar Board Teaching Award, Tulane University (May, 2019). Awarded to Dr. Laurie O’Brien for outstanding teaching.

Tulane Psychology Faculty Memorial Award, Tulane University (May, 2019). Awarded to Maya Cohen* for outstanding contribution to psychology research related to her work in the Social Perceptions Lab.

Rosa Cahn Hartman Medal, Tulane University (May, 2019). Awarded to Ellyn Frohberg* for her honors thesis entitled: Weight Stigma: Experiences for Women on a College Campus.

Aaron Hartman Award, Tulane University (May, 2019). Awarded to Alexandra Bookis* for her honors thesis entitled: Children’s Gender Stereotypes of Abilities in Science Subjects and Careers.

Tulane CELT Summer Award for Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research ($3500), Tulane University (April, 2019). Awarded to Natalia Eisenstadt* for her project: Understanding Prejudice Against Muslims: the function of perceived gender role attitudes.

Tulane Center for Academic Equity Summer Research Grant ($3500), Tulane University (April, 2019). Awarded to Natalia Eisenstadt* for her project: Understanding Prejudice Against Muslims: the function of perceived gender role attitudes.

Newcomb College Institute Faculty Research Grant, Tulane University (April, 2019). Awarded to Dr. Laurie O’Brien for the project: Sexual Harassment: How are claims of sexual harassment involving lesbian women perceived compared to claims involving heterosexual women?

Tulane Honors Summer Research Program ($3500), Tulane University (April, 2019). Awarded to Madeline Billeaud* for the project: Perspective-Taking and Perceived Legitimacy of Sexual Harassment Claims.

Undergraduate Diversity Travel Award, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (January, 2019). Awarded to India Reidt* for travel to the SPSP Annual Conference in Portland, OR to present the project: Sexual Harassment: Are claims involving lesbian women perceived differently than claims made by heterosexual women?


Newcomb-Tulane College Dean’s Grant ($500), Tulane University (September, 2018). Awarded to India Reidt* for the project: Sexual Harassment: Are claims involving lesbian women perceived differently than claims made by heterosexual women?

Newcomb-Tulane College Dean’s Grant ($3500), Tulane University (April, 2018). Awarded to India Reidt* for the project: Sexual Harassment: Are claims made by lesbian women perceived differently than claims made by heterosexual women?