Bold: current/Former Lab Member or Undergrad Student; Underline: Current/Former Graduate Student; Italics: Current/Former Lab Manager
Conference Presentations
Bivins-Sanchez, Yvette., Wilson, J’Lyn., Casteigne, Maria., O’Brien, L. T. (April, 2024). Preferential Treatment in The Workplace: Understanding Judgments of Discrimination in Hiring. Poster presented at the Tulane Research Innovation and Creativity Summit Poster PDF
Wilson, J’Lyn., Bivins-Sanchez, Yvette., Casteigne, Maria., O’Brien (April, 2024). Unpacking discrimination; attributions in hiring contexts: How do people understand preferential treatment? Poster presented at the Georgia Undergraduate Research in Psychology Conference Poster PDF
Wilson, J’Lyn., Bivins-Sanchez, Yvette., Casteigne, Maria., O’Brien (February, 2024). Unpacking discrimination; attributions in hiring contexts: How do people understand preferential treatment? Poster presented at the Society of Personality and social Psychology Conference. Poster PDF
Hurwitz, D., Cox, H., Shasha, O., Meyer, J., Hulsey, D., D’Antuono, M., Conway, V., Towe, R.*,Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (February, 2021). Are Metaperceptions about Political Moderates Different than Metaperceptions about Political Extremists? Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference. Poster PDF
Shasha, O., Towe, R., D., D’Antuono, M., Hulsey, D., Meyer, J., Cox, H., Hurwitz, D., Conway, V., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (February, 2021). How do People View Political Moderates Compared to Political Extremists? Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference. Poster PDF
Koundinya, S., Chenier, K., Hulsey, D., Hurwitz, D., Shasha, O., Cox, H., Conway, V., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (February, 2021). How Do Our Political Views Impact Our Metaperceptions about Our Political Group Members? Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference. Poster PDF
D’Antuono, M., Billeaud, M., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (February, 2021). Gender differences in perpetrators: are male or female behaviors more likely to be labelled as sexual harassment. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference. Poster PDF
Conway, V., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (February, 2021). What does a man how sexual harasses women look like? An application of prototype theory. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference. Poster PDF
Kulibert, D., Billeaud, M., Reidt, I., & O’Brien, L. T. (November, 2020). But is that sexual harassment?: Examining different factors that impact people’s perceptions of sexual harassment. Paper presented at the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists.
Kulibert, D., Reidt, I., Billeaud, M., & O’Brien, L. T. (November, 2020). That’s harassment here but not there: The effect of setting on perceptions of sexual harassment. Paper presented at the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality, New Orleans, LA.
Moss, A. J. (Chair), & O’Brien, L. T. (Co-Chair) (Feb, 2020). The Promises and Pitfalls of Admitting Personal Prejudice. Symposium conducted at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Simon, S., O’Brien, L. T., Moss, A. J., & Magaldi, M. (Feb, 2020). Can Perspective-taking for a Discrimination Claimant Improve Recognition of Institutional Discrimination? Examining the Role of Evidence and Group Membership. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Appleby, J., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (July, 2019). Maverick and pariah? The effect of ideological deviance on political behavior. Poster accepted presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA. Poster PDF
Eisenstadt, N., Moss, A. J., & O’Brien, L. T.(Feb, 2020). Are Perceptions of Religiously Justified Sexism Moderated by Political Ideology? An Initial Investigation. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Guillot, S., Sklover, H., Ramier, E., Chenier, K., Paul, C., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (Feb, 2020). Moderates vs. Extremists: Meta-Perceptions of Pro-Norm and Anti-Norm Deviant Group Members in the Democratic Party. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster PDF
Ramier, E., Sklover, H., Chenier, K., Guillot, S., Paul, C., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (June, 2019). Judging the Average Joe: Perceptions of Deviants within the Democratic Party. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster PDF
Kulibert, D., Moss, A. J., & O’Brien, L. T. (March, 2019). The effects of pro-norm vs. anti-norm behaviors on perceptions of political candidates. Poster presented at the International Conference for Psychological Science, Paris, France.
Kulibert, D., Moss, A. J., & O’Brien, L. T. (February, 2019). The perceptions of pro-norm vs. anti-norm deviants in USA political parties. Poster presented at the Political Psychology Preconference at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, Oregon.
Reidt, I., Kulibert, D., & O’Brien, L. T. (February, 2019). Sexual harassment: Are claims made by lesbian women perceived differently than claims made by heterosexual women? Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, Portland, Oregon. Poster PDF
Magaldi, M. & O’Brien, L.T. (March, 2018). Pregnant on campus: The stigma of undergraduate pregnancy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Moss, A. & O’Brien, L.T. (March, 2018). Norm appeal: Seeing others acknowledge implicit racial bias increases acceptance of one’s own bias. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Simon, S., O’Brien, L. T., & Magaldi, M. (2018, March). Putting yourself in the victim’s shoes: Does perspective-taking affect judgments of sexism and legal decision-making? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Van Camp, A., O’Brien, L.T., & Gilbert, P. (2018, March). Understanding the effects of role model identification on women’s stereotypes about STEM. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.