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Lab News!

February & April 2024

Our undergrad research student, J’Lyn Wilson, presented a poster at the SPSP conference (in February). She also gave a research talk at the 20th Annual Georgia Undergraduate Research in Psychology Conference (in April) where she won best oral presentation!

Congrats J’Lyn! 

January, 2024

Congratulations to Tyler Walden-Lee for being awarded the Changemaker Catalyst Award from Tulane University, which will support his research on Social Ecology and Dehumanization!

August, 2023

Congratulations to Tyler Walden-Lee for being awarded the Grant-In-Aid Award from SPSSI to support his research on Social Ecology and Dehumanization!

April, 2023

Huge congratulations to Danica Kulibert for accepting an assistant professor position at Kennesaw State University for fall 2023! 

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March, 2023

Congratulation to Tyler Waldon-Lee on completing his Master’s thesis! 

February, 2023 

SPSP was a success for the SPL! Dr. O’Brien presented new research on prototypes of discrimination at the Group Processes and Intergroup Relations preconference.  Tyler Waldon-Lee, Maria Musumeci, and undergrad, Rebecca Muhlbauer, all had posters accepted! 

September, 2022

Congrats to Danica Kulibert for passing her dissertation proposal!

August, 2022

We would like to welcome Maria Musumeci to the Social Perception Lab. Maria is joining the lab as a Ph.D. student. More info about Maria and her interests can be found under “Current Grad Students.”

March, 2022

It’s that time of the year again! Time to congratulate our RA’s (Caley Lowe and Mollie Slotter) on being accepted into the Tulane 4+1 Master’s program in Psychology. Excited to have you both at Tulane another year!!!!

March, 2022

We are beyond excited to share that our graduate student, Danica Kulibert, has been selected to participate in EASP’s Summer Program in Poland this July. She was one of five graduate students accepted into the program. We can’t wait to hear about what she learns!

February, 2022

The Social Perception Lab was lucky to have multiple presentations and posters at SPSP. Danica Kulibert gave an oral presentation on her political extremism/moderate research (PREPRINT HERE) and Joie Meyer presented a poster with Danica Kulibert on their work examining meta-stereotypes and perspective-taking (POSTER HERE).

December, 2021

Time to celebrate! Our graduate student, Tyler Waldon-Lee, passed his thesis proposal. He will be doing some research assessing how people dehumanize people who are incarcerated and people who were previously incarcerated.

December, 2021

Congrats to Dr. Laurie O’Brien and Dr. Sally Merritt for their publication in PSPB. They examined how the race of a perpetrator impacts people’s views towards a racial discriminations claim. Find the article HERE.

March 26th, 2021

Exciting news for the lab! Our RA Joie Meyer was awarded a NTC grant to conduct research with Danica Kulibert on perspective-taking and meta-stereotypes. We are all excited to see where this research goes,

March, 2021

New paper alert!!! Dr. O’Brien and Sally Merritt just published a paper in PSPB on their research examining how the race of a perpetrator of racial discrimination impacts people’s perceptions of that discrimination. Check it out HERE!

February, 2021

Congrats Social Perception Lab!! We had so many lab members representing us at SPSP this year. Thanks to Diane Hurwitz, Olivia Shasha, Maddie D’Antuono, Sahana Koundinya, and Vi Conway for presenting some amazing posters! What rock stars!

November, 2020

Way to go Social Perception Lab!! Danica Kulibert gave a presentation on some of her sexual harassment research at the virtual Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference.

June, 2020

We want to congratulate PhD student, Danica Kulibert for being awarded the Tulane University Psychology Graduate Student Mentoring Award. Thank you for all your hard work in this lab!

May 16th, 2020

Way to go Victoria Conway! She was awarded the Tulane Center of Academic Equity Summer Research Grant. She will be spending her summer working with grad student Danica Kulibert on a study examining the prototypes of perpetrators of sexual harassment! Good luck ladies!

May 12th, 2020

Congrats to both Madeline Billeaud and Greg Chauvin for winning psychology department awards at today’s undergraduate reception. Madeline won her award for her amazing work on sexual harassment and perceptive-taking. Greg won his award for his exciting work on how prejudice can impact economic decision making.

May 10th, 2020

Our very own Emma Berry has accepted an offer at at Northwestern University in the Speech-Language Pathology Master’s program. Although we are sad to see her go, we couldn’t be more excited for her to start this next adventure.

April, 2020

We has two of the Social Perception Lab undergrad students successfully defend their Honor’s Thesis this week! Great job to both Greg Chauvin and Madeline Billeaud. 

March, 2020

Congrats to both Madeline Billeaud and Skyler Guillot for being accepted into PhD programs. Madeline is off to St. Louis to study I/O Psychology and Skyler is off to Texas to study clinical/forensic psychology.

February, 2020

Tulane did a great write-up on the Social Perception’s very own Madeline Billeaud! The article focused on her great work on sexual harassment and perspective-taking. Check it out! 

February, 2020

Way to go Social Perception Lab!! We had so many lab members representing us at SPSP this year (which was held in NOLA!!). Thanks to Skyler Guillot and Emily Raimer for their posters on meta-perceptions of political members. A shout out to Dr. Aaron Moss and Dr. Laurie O’Brien for chairing a great symposium on prejudice reduction. And finally, congrats to Danica Kulibert for presenting her political attitudes work at the Political Psychology Preconference.

October 28th, 2019

Congrats to Skyler Guillot for being awarded the Newcombe College Institute research grant. Skyler will be using that money to collect research online and to attend the SPSP conference in February.

July 30th, 2019

Congrats to Danica Kulibert for receiving the Jenessa Shapiro Graduate Research Award. She will be conducting research on political moderates and extremists over the summer with that funding!

May 17th, 2019

Congrats to Alexandra Bookis, Ellyn Frohberg, Maya Cohen, Hannah Sklover, Emily Raimer, and Evelyn Ohaus for graduating from Tulane University! 

May 14th, 2019

Congrats to Alexandra Bookis, Ellyn Frohberg, and Maya Cohen for all winning awards at this year’s Psychology Department’s Annual Graduation Celebration and Awards Ceremony. Alex won the Aaron Hartman Award for her honors thesis. Ellyn won the Aaron Hartman Award for her honors thesis. Maya won the Tulane Psychology Faculty Memorial Award for outstanding contribution to Psychological research. Way to go ladies!!

April 30th, 2019

Congrats to Madeline Billeaud and Natalia Eisenstadt for being awarded summer research grants. Madeline was awarded the Tulane Honors Summer Research Program Grant and Natalia was awarded the Tulane CELT Summer Award for Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research Grant and the Tulane Center for Academic Equity Summer Research Grant. Should be an exciting summer for the Social Perceptions Lab!

April 15th, 2019

Congrats to both Alexandra Bookis and Ellyn Frohberg for passing their Honors Thesis defenses this week. These ladies have worked hard!

April 11th, 2019

A big round of applause to Emily Raimer, Skyler Guillot, Cathrine Paul, Hannah Sklover, and Danica Kulibert for presenting their work on perceptions of political moderates and extremists at the Tulane School of Science and Engineering Research Day. Interested in seeing the posters? Feel free to scan the QR codes below!




March 8th, 2019

Felicitations Danica Kulibert and Sally Merrit! Danica presented her work on political extremists versus political moderates at ICPS in Paris this week, while Sally presenting on her work examining offensive humor and online memes.

February 10th, 2019

Great job Danica Kulibert and India Reidt! These ladies presented their work on perceptions of sexual harassment at SPSP in Portland this week. Danica also presented her work on perceptions of extremist and moderate political leaders at the Political Psychology Pre-Conference at SPSP.