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Prospective Research Assistants

Research in our lab requires help from a lot of people. In a typical semester, about 12-15 research assistants work with our graduate students, lab manager and Dr. O’Brien to conduct studies investigating prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, and stigma. Most of our research takes place in a social psychology laboratory (Stern Hall), and research assistants work in a variety of roles, including conducting experiments and post-experiment debriefing sessions, acting as research confederates, helping with the development and piloting of study materials, recruiting participants, entering and managing data, and helping organize studies.

Advanced research assistants sometimes have the opportunity to conduct their own research and/or complete an honors thesis. Research assistants are also able to travel to national/international conferences and present research projects at psychological meetings across the globe.

Working as a research assistant requires a commitment of 6-9 hours per week during the semester. Preference is given to applicants who have completed or are enrolled in social psychology (Psyc 3210), univariate statistics (Psyc 3090), and experimental psychology (Psyc 3130). In addition, we seek research assistants who are: interested in learning about research, knowledgeable with computer programs, comfortable interacting with strangers, interested in working more than one semester in the lab, and are willing to work hard.

If you are interested in applying to work as a research assistant, download the research_assistant_application and return it to Yvette Bivins-Sanchez either by email (ybivinssanchez@tulane.edu) or by stopping by their office (Stern 3015).